
July 23, 2012

Puzzle - Section 3

After spending over a year writing, designing and coding, I'm thrilled to say that I'm finally finished with Section 3. This one is epic.

The rules are the same as before. Try to progress from page to page. Look for clues and remember what you've seen. Everything you need to know is there or has been given. Any (and every) detail could be significant. If you're stuck, start over from the beginning with a new eye. If you get really stuck, send questions to

Good luck, you'll need it!

Puzzle Section 3 – Begin Here


Luke said...

Some starter hints: The base URL for Section 3 is always Break things down and start with what you know. Trying different devices might reveal more clues. Some of the images are large so be patient while they load. Yes, there is some flash... sorry iPhones. You'll know when you're done.

Luke said...

After you get past the first couple pages, you have to begin typing the URL in. Again, the base URL for section 3 is always

Also, there's been question as to how many pages total there are. I won't give the exact amount, but there are over 40. Or 50... or something.

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